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Privacy Policy

Matrix Game(referred to as “we”) respects the protection of users’ personal information very much. When you use the services provided by Matrix Game, we will collect, use and share your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy. This Privacy Policy contains our provisions for collecting, storing, using, sharing and protecting your personal information. We hope that through this Privacy Policy we can clearly introduce to you the way we handle your personal information. Therefore, we recommend that you read this Privacy Policy completely to help you understand how to protect your privacy.

【Scope of Application】

Providing users with better and more personalized services is Matrix Game’s unremitting pursuit, and we hope that the services we provide can make your life more convenient. This Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by the Matrix Game. This Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by the Matrix Game when you visit the Matrix Game website and/or login to related clients using the Matrix Game.

【How We Collect Information】

We collect information in order to provide you with better, better and more personalized services. We collect information in the following ways:

1. The information you provided us. When you sign up for an Matrix Game account and use related services provided by the Matrix Game, fill in and/or submit information, including your name, gender, date of birth, ID card number, telephone number, e-mail, address, game account and related additional information (such as your province and city, postal code, etc.).

2. Information gathered during your use of the service. In order to provide and optimize the services you need, we will collect information about the services you use, including:

When you use Matrix Game Services or access Matrix Game Web pages, Matrix Game automatically receives and records information on your browser and computer, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, language used, date and time of access, software and hardware features, and web page records you need. When accessing mobile web pages and using Matrix Game services, Matrix Game may read information related to your location and mobile devices, including but not limited to device type, device identification code, operating system, resolution, Telecom operators, etc.

In addition to the above information, we may also collect your other information in order to provide services and improve the quality of services, including the information you provided when you contacted our customer service team, the information you sent us when you participated in the questionnaire, and the information we collected when you interacted with Matrix Game’s associates and partners. At the same time, in order to improve the security of services provided by Matrix Game and prevent phishing site fraud and Trojan virus more accurately, we may judge the risk of your account by knowing some of your network usage habits, your commonly used software information and other means, and may record some URLs that we think are at risk.

3. Information from third parties

In order to provide you with better, better and more personalized services, or to provide services for you together, or to prevent Internet fraud, Matrix Game’s associates and partners will share your personal information with Matrix Game in accordance with the provisions of the law or with your agreement or with your consent.

You understand and agree that the following information does not apply to this privacy policy:

A) The keyword information you enter when using the search service provided by the Matrix Game;

B) When you do not select the “anonymous purchase” and/or “anonymous evaluation” functions, Matrix Game collects relevant data about your transactions on the Matrix Game, including but not limited to bid, transaction information and evaluation details;

C) Credit evaluation, violation of legal provisions or violation of Matrix Game rules and the measures Matrix Game has taken against you;

D) Relevant industrial and commercial registration information such as the name of the enterprise to be publicized and information of natural person operators as required by laws and regulations.

【How We Use Information】

Since the purpose of collecting your information is to provide you with services and improve the quality of service, in order to achieve this goal, we will use your information for the following purposes:

1. Provide you with the services you use, and maintain and improve these services.

2. Recommend what you may be interested in, including but not limited to sending you product and service information, displaying personalized third-party promotional information to you through the system, or sharing information with Matrix Game partners with your consent so that they can send you information about their products and services.

3. We may use your personal information to prevent, detect, investigate fraud, endanger security, illegally or violate agreements, policies or rules with us or its affiliates in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of you, other users, or us or their affiliates.

4. We may combine personal information from one service with information from other services for the purpose of providing you with more personalized service usage, such as the need to have a broader social circle for use, sharing or disclosure.

5. Other uses with your permission.

【How We Share Information】

We are obligated to keep your information confidential. We will not sell or lease any of your information to a third party for marketing purposes. We will only share your information with you in the following circumstances:

1. Get your prior consent or authorization.

2. According to the provisions of laws and regulations or the requirements of administrative or judicial organs.

3. Share your personal information with Matrix Game’s stakeholders.

4. Provide trusted partners with your personal information so that they can process this information for us in accordance with our instructions and in accordance with our privacy policy and any other appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

5. If you are a qualified intellectual property complaint and have lodged a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at the request of the respondent so that both parties can handle possible rights disputes.

6. Only by sharing your information can you provide the services you need, or handle disputes or disputes between you and others. For example, in a transaction you create on Matrix Game, if either party has fulfilled or partially fulfilled its transaction obligations and made a request for information disclosure, Matrix Game will provide the user with necessary information such as the contact mode of the other party of the transaction, as appropriate, to facilitate the completion of the transaction or the settlement of disputes.

7. If you violate relevant Chinese laws, regulations or Matrix Game agreements or rules, you need to disclose them to a third party.

8. To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Matrix Game and its affiliates or users.

【Use of Cookie and Beacon】

In order to make your visit experience easier, when you visit Matrix Game related websites or use services provided by Matrix Game, we may identify you through small data files. This is to help you avoid repeating the steps of entering registration information, or help you determine the security of your account. These data files may be Cookie, Flash Cookie, or other local storage provided by your browser or associated application (collectively referred to as “Cookie”).

Please understand that some of our services can only be implemented by using “Cookie”. If your browser or browser add-on services allow, you can modify the acceptance of Cookie or reject Matrix Game Cookie, but this action may in some cases affect your safe access to Matrix Game-related websites and services provided by the Matrix Game.

Web pages often contain electronic images (called “single-pixel” GIF files or “network beacon”). Web beacon can help websites calculate users who browse the web pages or access certain cookies. We will collect information about your browsing activities through Web beacon, such as the address of the page you visited, the address of the quoted page you visited earlier, the time you stayed on the page, and so on. Your browsing environment and display settings, etc.

【Storage of Information】

The information and information collected by Matrix Game about you will be stored on the servers of Matrix Game and/or its affiliated companies, which may be transmitted to your country, region or location where Matrix Game collects information and information and is accessed, stored and displayed there.

Protection of Your Personal Information

To ensure your information security, we strive to take various reasonable physical, electronic and management security measures to protect your information so that your information will not be leaked, damaged or lost, including but not limited to SSL, encrypted storage of information, access control of data center. We also take strict management measures for employees or outsourcers who may have access to your information, including, but not limited to, taking different authority controls according to different positions, signing confidentiality agreements with them, and monitoring their operations. Matrix Game will provide corresponding security measures to protect your information and provide reasonable security according to existing technology. Matrix Game will try its best to keep your information from being leaked, damaged or lost.

Your account has security protection function. Please keep your account and password information properly. Matrix Game will ensure that your information is not lost, abused or altered by backing up other servers and encrypting user passwords. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please also understand that there is no “perfect security measures” on the information network.

When using Matrix Game platform services for online transactions, it is inevitable for you to disclose your personal information, such as contact information or postal area code, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Please protect your personal information properly and provide it to others only when necessary. If you find that your personal information is leaked, especially your account and password, please contact Matrix Game Customer Service immediately so that Matrix Game can take appropriate measures.

【Juvenile Protection】

We do not collect personal information of minors without knowing it, nor do we recommend that minors use our services. Unless permitted by the local law and agreed by the guardian, minors should not register their accounts or send us personal information such as their name, address, telephone, e-mail address, etc. If we accidentally collect information about minors, we will delete it as soon as we know it. If you think we may hold information from or about Minors inappropriately, please contact us.

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